Part 2: Fact Sheets on IRGC, Qods Force

The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) was created after the 1979 revolution to enforce Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini’s concept of an Islamic state. The Guards played a crucial role not only in crushing early opposition to Khomeini’s vision, but also in repelling Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Iran in 1980. Since then, the Guards have functioned as both the primary internal and external security force. The IRGC has now eclipsed the Artesh, or conventional forces. The IRGC has approximately 150,000 personnel.

U.S.-Iran Spat Over Floods

In late March and early April, flash floods killed dozens of people in southern Iran. The worst rains in at least a decade ravaged 20 of Iran's 31 provinces. At least 25,000 homes were destroyed, and another 60,000 were damaged. On April 2, U.S.

Some of the information in this article was originally published on April 3, 2019.

Families of Detainees in Iran Appeal to Congress

On March 7, relatives of three Americans detained in Iran appealed to lawmakers and the Trump administration to do more to free their family members. Babak Namazi spoke on behalf of his father, Baquer, and brother, Siamak, who were sentenced to 10 years imprisonment for allegedly collaborating with a “hostile” government. The “situation for my family, and especially my seriously ill father, is critical and swiftly heading towards an irreversible tragedy unless something is done and done urgently,” said Namazi. His ailing 82-year-old father has not received proper medical treatment.

Revolution at 40: Rallies in Pictures

RouhaniOn February 11, Iranians took to the streets across the country to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Islamic revolution. The popular uprising, led by the late Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, led to the ouster of Mohammed Reza Shah Pahlavi and ended centuries of dynastic rule. Each year, Iranians hold mass rallies across the country and the president addresses the nation. 

Europeans Launch Iran Trade Mechanism

On January 31, Britain, France, and Germany announced the establishment of a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) for European companies to facilitate trade with Iran. The entity is formally named the Instrument in Support of Trade Exchanges (INSTEX). The “exact method INSTEX uses will be the first instance in which Europe tries to mitigate the effects of U.S. secondary sanctions on what it sees as legitimate trade,” according to Ellie Geranmayeh and Esfandyar Batmanghelidj

Some of the information in this article was originally published on January 31, 2019.

Part 2: U.S. and Europeans Differ on Iran's Missiles

The United States and major European powers reacted differently to the new U.N. report on Iran’s missile program and implementation of the nuclear deal. In a speech at the United Nations on Dec. 12, 2018, Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo called on the world body to impose tougher sanctions on Iran to contain its development and testing of ballistic missiles that now have a range capable of hitting Europe, Israel and other U.S. allies.

Open Letter by Families of Dual and Foreign Nationals Imprisoned in Iran

On December 3, six families of dual and foreign nationals imprisoned in Iran published an open letter calling on the international community to take action on behalf of their loved ones. “We believe that the Iranian authorities have little incentive to end the cruel and horrific practice of hostage taking as a result of inadequate pressure from the international community. World leaders need to make the political cost for committing human rights violations so high that releasing our loved ones becomes advantageous to the Iranian authorities,” they wrote.