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US Tightens Sanction Loopholes

            On October 9, the United States moved to tighten loopholes in its Iran sanctions. President Barack Obama’s new Executive Order will implement additional punitive measures that he signed into law on August 10, 2012. National Security Council Spokesman Tommy Vietor said the law sanctions…

West Claims Sanctions Now Biting

             After six years of international sanctions on Iran’s nuclear program, Western powers claim that their punitive measures are having a significant impact on Iran’s economy. According to U.S., European and Israeli officials, sanctions have compounded problems generated by Tehran’s…

Blame Game on Currency Crisis

Helia Ighani                       Iran’s currency crisis has sparked deep divisions inside the regime. Top officials have blamed others in the Tehran government for mismanagement and irresponsible fiscal policies. The regime has countered by citing international sanctions for a role in the…

IMF Forecasts Limited Sanctions Impact

            The International Monetary Fund (IMF) forecasts economic growth and lower inflation for Iran in 2013, suggesting that sanctions have taken a limited toll on the economy. The IMF’s semi-annual World Economic Outlook estimates that Iran’s gross domestic product (GDP) will fall .9 percent…

Iran's Enrichment Pace

           On Oct. 8, the Institute for Science and International Security warned that Iran’s uranium enrichment pace is increasing and that its breakout times are shortening. The report also notes that the United States would likely detect an Iranian dash to build a nuclear weapon. But Iran’s…

Analysis on Iran Currency Crisis

            Iran's currency has dropped by a stunning 40 percent in a mere week, generating protests in Tehran. But the currency crisis dates back more than a year. The following is a news analysis providing context on Iran's fluctuating rial by Siamak Namazi.             News of currency…

Foreign Minister on Nukes, Diplomacy, Syria

            On Oct. 1, Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi told the Council on Foreign Relations that Iran was not seeking a nuclear weapon because it would only increase regional tensions and threats to Iran. He also warned against intervention in Syria, but criticized the regime of…

Part III: Would Iran Turn to Terror?

Alireza Nader             In a conflict with the United States or Israel, Tehran could turn to terror tactics—directly or indirectly through proxies—to create leverage when it is significantly outmanned and outgunned against conventional military forces. The Islamic Republic has sporadically…

Part II: Will Iran Close the Strait of Hormuz?

Alireza Nader             Iran’s repeated threats to close the Strait of Hormuz are a pivotal part of a military strategy based on psychological and asymmetric warfare. Blocking the strategic waterway, through which 90 percent of Persian Gulf oil flows to the outside world, would have sweeping…

Part I: How Would Iran Fight Back?

Alireza Nader             Iran’s response to Israeli or U.S. air strikes is likely to feature unconventional tactics that would not necessarily lead to battlefield successes, such as defeat of the U.S. Fifth Fleet. But its strategy could theoretically achieve an overall political and…

US takes MEK off terrorism list

            On Sept. 28, the U.S. State Department revoked the Mujahedin-e Khalq’s (MEK) designation as a Foreign Terrorist Organization. The leftist group killed six Americans in Iran in the 1970s and attempted an attack against the Iranian mission to the United Nations in 1992. The State…

Iran and the Arab Spring: Ascendancy Frustrated

Shahram Chubin On Sept. 27, the Gulf Research Center published “Iran and the Arab Spring: Ascendancy Frustrated” by Shahram Chubin.   A PDF of the full report can be found at the bottom of the page. The following excerpts are a summary of the report:   Introduction: The Geopolitics of the…

World Leaders React to Ahmadinejad

            Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad arrived in New York on Sept. 22 and addressed the U.N. General Assembly on Sept. 26. President Barack Obama and other U.S. and world leaders condemned Iran’s positions on Syria, Israel and its nuclear program both before and after Ahmadinejad’s…

Ahmadinejad’s Speech at the United Nations

            On Sept. 26, President Ahmadinejad addressed the 76th annual U.N. General Assembly. He spoke about the need "to remove the structural barriers" between people and criticized the current state of global decision-making.           The following are excerpts from his speech:“Despite all…

U.S. Senate Rejects Containment Policy on Iran

            On Sept. 22, the U.S. Senate passed a resolution ruling out the policy of containing a nuclear-armed Iran. But it stipulates that it shall not be “construed as an authorization for the use of force.” Resolution 41 also urges increased diplomatic pressure and economic sanctions on Iran…

Ahmadinejad in New York for U.N. Assembly

            Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke to several New York audiences after arriving Sept. 22. He discussed Iran's nuclear program, Syria, the "Innocence of Muslims" film, Israel and other key issues. The following are excerpts of his statements. Nuclear Program and…

Treasury Links Iran Oil to Elite Military

           On Sept. 24, the Treasury Department submitted a report to Congress determining that the National Iranian Oil Company is an agent or affiliate of the Revolutionary Guards. The following is an excerpt from the report. The IRGC is Iran’s most powerful economic actor, dominating many…

Talk of Tehran: Squabbling over the Economy

Helia Ighani             The hottest topic in Tehran’s media—and society generally—is the Islamic Republic’s deeply troubled economy. Over the past 12 months, the national currency has lost half of its value. Despite Iran’s vast oil and gas reserves, youth unemployment has hit 28.6 percent.…

FACT SHEET: Two Years of Tightening U.N. Sanctions

            On Sept. 20, one week before the U.N. General Assembly’s opening session, the American mission to the United Nations issued a fact sheet outlining the growing squeeze on Iran from U.N. sanctions since the passage of Resolution 1929. Iran is again expected to be a major topic when world…

IAEA Presses Iran on Nuclear Program

            On Sept. 13, the U.N. nuclear watchdog passed a resolution urging Iran to cease uranium enrichment and comply with international obligations on its nuclear program. At a board of governors meeting in Vienna, 31 out of 35 countries, including Russia and China, supported the resolution.…

U.S. Treasury: Iran Oil Exports Down 55 Percent

On Sept. 12, Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence David Cohen announced that Iran’s crude oil exports have decreased by 55 percent since January 2012. “Today, the Iranian government is relegated to the backwaters of the international financial system,” said Cohen at the New York…

U.S. Welcomes Release of Christian Pastor

On Sept. 10, the State Department applauded Iran’s release of a Christian Pastor who was sentenced to death for apostasy in 2010. The charges were reportedly dropped from apostasy to evangelizing Muslims, with a sentence of three years. Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani was released for time served,…

What’s Behind New Iran and North Korea Pact

John S. Park What does this agreement mean?   On September 1, Iran and North Korea signed a scientific and technological cooperation agreement. According to the Iranian Labour News Agency, the agreement calls for the two countries to          ·set up joint laboratories and exchange…

Canada Closes Iran Embassy, Expels Iranian Diplomats

On September 7, Foreign Minister John Baird announced that Canada has closed its embassy in Tehran and expelled Iranian diplomats in Ottawa. He cited Iran as “the most significant threat to global peace and security” as the reason. Baird also warned all Canadian citizens against travel to Iran. The…

NAM Countries Hypocritical on Iran

David Albright and Andrea Stricker            The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) summit ended on August 31 in Tehran with the adoption of a communiqué that is troubling and even hypocritical in its support for Iran’s nuclear program.   The final NAM document—in addition to the “Tehran Declaration,” a…

Democratic Platform on Iran

On Sept. 4, the Democratic Party adopted its party platform. The platform credits President Barack Obama for his cooperation with the international community and implementing “the toughest UN sanctions ever on Iran.” It states that “a diplomatic outcome remains the best and most enduring solution”…

Three Revelations from the Non-Aligned Summit

Farideh Farhi                    The Non-Aligned Movement summit in Tehran highlighted three aspects about Iran’s foreign relations and domestic politics.             First, given Iran’s geographic location and resources, many countries in the neighborhood believe it is simply not good business to…

Part II: Khamenei on U.N./World Order

On Aug. 30, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s inaugural address to the Non-Aligned Movement Summit challenged the United Nations and called for a new world order. The following are two key excerpts from his speech, beginning with comments on the United Nations.   The U.N. Security Council…

Part I: Khamenei on Nuclear Weapons

On Aug. 30, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s inaugural address to the Non-Aligned Movement condemned nuclear weapons. The following is an excerpt from his speech.International peace and security are among the critical issues of today’s world and the elimination of catastrophic weapons of…

U.N. Report Faults Iran for Lack of Cooperation

            On August 30, the U.N. nuclear watchdog criticized Tehran for failing to provide information and access to scientific personnel that would help resolve questions about Iran’s controversial nuclear program. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) specifically warned that Iran had “…