New Articles

Letter Appeals to Obama, Khamenei from Former Iran Parliamentarians

            On January 7, seven former Iranian parliamentarians called for direct talks between Washington and Tehran on the nuclear issue. They urged Iran to stop enriching uranium to twenty percent in return for a lift on international sanctions. The former parliamentarians also suggested that…

Pew: Rising Tide of Restrictions on Religion

             Among 197 countries, Iran ranked sixth in restricting freedom of religion, according to a Pew Research Center survey. It even ranked below Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan. The following are selected results from The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life survey published in September 2012…

Congress Report: Iran Intelligence Expanding

           Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security has recently expanded its operations in the Middle East and beyond, most notably in Latin America and Europe, according to a new report by the Library of Congress. A profile of the ministry, which is shrouded in secrecy, claims that hard-…

Iran-Egypt: Prospects of a New Alliance?

Interview with Joshua Stacher By Garrett Nada   What is the state of relations between the Muslim Brotherhood and Iran, especially in light of Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi’s third visit to Egypt since President Mohamed Morsi took office in June 2012?                        …

Pew: Iran’s Popularity (or Not) in the World

            As part of its Global Attitudes Project, the Pew Research Center surveyed attitudes about Iran among major countries. The two charts below reflect the two halves of the answer to the same question. The question: Please tell me if you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable,…

48 Iranian Captives Return from Syria

            On January 10, 48 Iranian captives landed in Tehran after their release by Syrian rebels. The Syrian government freed 2,130 detainees in exchange for the Iranians, according to the Turkish humanitarian organization that coordinated the swap. The al Baraa rebel brigade abducted the 48…

State of Diplomacy: What will it take?

Michael AdlerWhat is Iran’s standing in the world in 2013 compared to the beginning of 2012?              Iran was resilient in 2012. It managed to survive increasing diplomatic, economic and military pressures:   ·    Tehran did not yield to new sanctions, despite the fact that oil and gas…

Hagel’s Past Comments on Iran

            On January 7, President Obama nominated former Senator Chuck Hagel to be the Secretary of Defense during his second term. The following are comments by Senator Hagel on Iran since 2005.             “War with Iran is not inevitable, but U.S. national security would be seriously…

New Penalties on Iran in Defense Bill

            On January 3, President Barack Obama signed a $633 billion defense bill for fiscal year 2013. The comprehensive appropriations bill will help “ensure the United States will continue to have the strongest military in the world,” Obama said.             The legislation also contained…

Iran’s Economy Faces Grim 2013

Kevan Harris What is the state of Iran’s economy in 2013 compared to a year ago?             Iran's economy enters 2013 significantly worse than a year ago, particularly with higher inflation and unemployment than at the beginning of 2012. The rial also plunged from around 11,000 to the dollar…

Iran: A Rough Year in 2013

Alireza Nader            For Iran, 2013 could be one of the most challenging years—both at home and in relations with the outside world—since the 1979 revolution. The Islamic Republic faces the potential of stronger economic sanctions and even an Israeli and/or U.S. military strike because of its…

Kerry’s Past Comments on Iran

            On December 21, President Barack Obama nominated Senator John Kerry to be the Secretary of State during his second term. The following are comments by Senator Kerry on Iran since 2004.             “If I can just say to you and to the people of Israel: I hope there is no doubt about…

More U.S. Sanctions for Proliferation

            On December 21, the U.S. Treasury froze the assets of four Iranian companies and one executive for links to Tehran’s missile and nuclear programs. SAD Import Export Company was also sanctioned for supplying weapons to Syria’s government, which is cracking down on its civilian…

Panetta: New U.S. Strategy to Counter Iran

            On December 18, Secretary of Defense Leon E. Panetta outlined a new U.S. defense strategy that will counter “the continuing threat from Iran.” If Tehran attempts to close the Straits of Hormuz, “we must be capable of being able to respond decisively,” he said. Panetta also warned…

Iran Boosts North Korean Missile Program

             Iran may have helped North Korea launch a multistage rocket and put a satellite into orbit on December 12, according to a new report by John S. Park. “What started as a transactional relationship, where Iran provided much-needed cash to North Korea in return for missile parts and…

The U.S.-Iran Covert War

Ari Ratner What is the U.S.-Iran covert war? What is the United States doing? What is Iran doing? And why?              During both the Bush and Obama administrations, Iran and the United States have engaged in a shadow war that relies more on technology and human intelligence than conventional…

Iran’s Subsidy Reform: RIP

           In November 2012, Iran’s parliament suspended subsidy reform and is now unlikely to allow “drastic increases” in the price of consumer staples over the next year, according to a new report by Jahangir Amuzegar. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad launched a phased reform plan in 2010 that…

U.S. Sanctions Iranian Nuclear Proliferation Networks

           On December 13, the U.S. Treasury and State Department imposed sanctions on seven Iranian companies and five individuals for “proliferating weapons of mass destruction” pursuant to Executive Order 13382. The entities “provide the Iranian government unique goods, technology and services…

U.S. Intelligence: Iran Key to Future Mideast Stability

            Iran’s nuclear intentions will be a key variable in future Middle East stability, according to a new report by the U.S. National Intelligence Council. “Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds” explores what the world may look like in the coming decades. The report predicts that an…

U.S.-Iranian Competition in the Middle East

            The Arab uprisings shattered the conventional military balance between Iran and the United States in the Middle East, according to an updated report by the Center for Strategic and International Studies. The two countries have since strengthened relationships with both state and non-…

U.S. Intelligence: Iran Key to Future Mideast Stability

            Iran’s potential decision to build a nuclear weapon may be the key variable in the future stability of the Middle East, according to a new report by the U.S. National Intelligence Council. “Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds” predicts that Tehran’s decision to build a nuclear weapon…

U.S. Ready for Negotiations but Time is Short

            On December 8, Deputy Secretary of State William J. Burns said that the United States is ready for negotiations if Iran is “serious about meeting its international obligations” on its nuclear program. He spoke at the Manama Dialogue, a regional security summit convened by the…

U.S. Renews Iran Sanctions Waivers

            On December 7, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced the renewal of Iran sanctions exceptions for China, India, Malaysia, Republic of Korea, Singapore, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Turkey and Taiwan. The nine countries will be able to continue buying reduced quantities of Iranian…

U.S. Issues Iran Travel Warning

            On December 7, the State Department warned that U.S. citizens may be subject to “harassment or arrest while traveling or residing in Iran.” Dual national Iranian-Americans could face additional obstacles because Tehran does not recognize their American citizenship. The following is an…

U.S. “Virtual Embassy” Gets 2 Million Hits

            The State Department announced that the “Virtual Embassy Tehran” website has been visited nearly two million times by Iranians since its December 2011 launch. The site provides Farsi-language information on U.S. policy, American culture and how Iranians can visit the United States. The…

Weighing Benefits and Costs of International Sanctions Against Iran

            The United States could better leverage sanctions against Iran while mitigating negative consequences, according to a new report by former U.S. ambassadors, generals, officials and national security experts. International sanctions imposed on Iran over the last three decades have…

Khamenei Comments: Iran on the Rise

            In November, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei praised Iran’s influence and growing power in the region. He challenged Arab governments to follow Tehran’s example by assisting the Palestinians in Gaza. On Iran’s Navy Day, Khamenei encouraged navy commanders to expand operations in…

Iran on Direct U.S. Talks

            Senior Iranian officials sent mixed signals in response to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s statement about bilateral talks between Washington and Tehran. Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi has indicated an openness to direct U.S. talks. But the Supreme Leader’s…

Israeli Support Wanes for Iran Strike

            Support for an Israeli strike on Iran has waned over the last year, according to a new study. Only one in five Israelis polled support a unilateral strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities. Half of the respondents said they believed that Iran will eventually acquire nuclear weapons, while…

U.S. Sanctions Iran's Shipping and Energy Sectors

            On November 30, the U.S. Senate unanimously approved new sanctions on Iran’s energy and shipping sectors. Foreign financial institutions will face stiff penalties for facilitating the sale, supply or transfer of goods or services from Iranian energy and shipping companies. The sanctions…