Tillerson and Mogherini on Nuclear Deal

On December 5, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson met with E.U. foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini to exchange views on recent developments in the Middle East and the Balkans. In remarks to the press, Mogherini reiterated that “continued implementation of the Iran nuclear deal is a key strategic priority for European security but also for regional and global security.” Tillerson highlighted Iran’s regional activities and that he looked forward to working with European partners to address Tehran’s support of armed groups like Hezbollah.

Poll: American Attitudes Toward Iran

Americans are divided on their opinion of the Iran nuclear deal and President Donald Trump’s decision to not certify Tehran’s compliance, according to a new survey conducted by Shibley Telhami and Stella Rouse at the University of Maryland. The following are key results from the poll carried out November 1-6, 2017 with a margin of error of 2.19 percent.


Pompeo Writes Iran’s Revolutionary Guards

On December 2, Central Intelligence Agency Director Mike Pompeo said that he sent a letter to the commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Qods Force, Major General Qassem Soleimani, warning that Iran would be held responsible for attacks on U.S. interests in Iraq. Soleimani, once a shadowy figure, has played an increasingly public role and often traveled to the front lines of the fight against ISIS. He has been photographed extensively with Shiite militias in Iraq and Syria. The following are Pompeo’s excerpted remarks from The Reagan National Defense Forum in Simi Valley, California.

US Sanctions Iranian Counterfeiting Ring

On November 20, the U.S. Treasury Department sanctioned a wide network that was helping Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps Qods Force “counterfeit currency to support its destabilizing activities.” The U.S. government has accused the Qods Force of meddling in the affairs of Iran’s neighbors and supporting terror. The following is the full text of the Treasury’s press release.


IAEA Director General on Iran Nuclear Deal

On November 14, Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Yukiya Amano said that Iran is abiding by the nuclear deal’s restrictions and that his agency’s verification measures are strong. “IAEA inspectors now spend around 3,000 days in the field in Iran each year, twice as many as in 2013,” he said at the Harvard Kennedy School in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Amano gave an overview of the Iran nuclear issue from 2002 to the present and detailed the IAEA’s involvement in verifying the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

Lebanese Prime Minister Resigns, Blames Iran

On November 4, Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri resigned, blaming Iran and its Lebanese proxy Hezbollah for destabilizing the region. The Arab world would "cut off the hands that wickedly extend to it [Iran]," he warned. Hariri, leader of the Future Movement Party, is the leader of Lebanon’s main Sunni Muslim political bloc and a close ally of Saudi Arabia. It was Hariri’s second visit to the kingdom in less than a week.

Some of the information in this article was originally published on November 8, 2017.