U.S. Policy

On August 22, the U.S. State Department issued new guidance warning Americans to “carefully consider nonessential travel” to Iran. The warning reiterated the risk of arrest and detention of U.S. citizens, particularly dual national Iranian-Americans. Iran does not recognize dual citizenship. The…
On July 20, the U.S. Treasury blacklisted three senior members of al Qaeda living in Iran for providing financial and logistics support to the terrorist group. “Today’s action sanctions senior al-Qaida operatives responsible for moving money and weapons across the Middle East,” said Adam J.…
Iran, the United States and Russia criticized a new U.N. report on implementation of the nuclear deal codified in Security Council Resolution 2231. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, in his first bi-annual report on the deal, commended Iran and the world’s major powers for implementing their…
In the week marking the one-year anniversary of the nuclear deal, Congress prepared to discuss three bills that would impose new sanctions on Iran – all of which President Obama has promised to veto if they are passed. The bills include: HR 5119 - No 2H2O from Iran Act: Prohibits the use of…
On June 28, Secretary of State John Kerry said that Washington and Tehran have a common interest in Iraq and the fight against ISIS, also known as ISIL, Daesh or the Islamic State. Iran “has been in certain ways helpful, and they clearly are focused on ISIL/Daesh,” he said at the Aspen Ideas…
On June 8, the U.S. Treasury released additional guidance on what transactions U.S. and foreign entities can have with Iranian entities following the lifting of sanctions as part of the nuclear deal. “U.S. financial institutions can transact with, including by opening or maintaining correspondent…
The following are excerpted remarks from the two candidates running for president in 2016.  Democrats Republicans Hillary Clinton   “For many years, we’ve all been rightly focused on the existential danger of Iran acquiring a nuclear weapon. After all…
On March 14, the U.S. State Department issued new guidance warning Americans to “carefully consider nonessential travel” to Iran. The warning reiterated the risk of arrest and detention of U.S. citizens, particularly dual national Iranian-Americans. The updated travel warning comes as businessman…
The following is the full text of the White House press release and President Obama’s letter to Congress on the renewal of the national emergency with respect to Iran.   CONTINUATION OF THE NATIONAL EMERGENCY WITH RESPECT TO IRAN   On March 15, 1995, by Executive Order 12957, the President…
On March 8, General Lloyd J. Austin III, warned the Senate Armed Services Committee that “Iran maintains hegemonic ambitions and will continue to pose a threat to the region” through its use of proxies. The commander of U.S. Central Command also highlighted expanding Russia-Iran cooperation and…