New Articles

Iran Charges Rezaian with Espionage

Washington Post journalist Jason Rezaian, arrested nine months ago in Iran, is reportedly being charged with four crimes. A statement from Rezaian’s lawyer provided to The Post by his family said the charges include espionage, “collaborating with hostile governments,” and “propaganda against the…

Zarif Announces Peace Plan for Yemen

On April 14, Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif announced a peace plan to resolve the conflict in Yemen at a press conference in Madrid. His four-point proposal includes an immediate ceasefire, humanitarian assistance, dialogue among Yemeni factions, and establishing a “broad-based” Yemeni…

Congress Acts: White House Reacts to Corker Bill

U.S. administration officials have indicated that President Obama would be willing to sign legislation that would give Congress the ability to approve or disapprove of a nuclear deal. The White House initially threatened to veto the Corker-Menendez bill, arguing that curbing the president’s…

Congress Acts: Iran Reacts to Corker Bill

Iranian officials have dismissed the U.S. Senate Foreign Relation Committee’s approval of a bill that would give Congress the ability to approve or disapprove of a nuclear deal. “What the U.S. Senate, Congress and others say is not our problem,” President Hassan Rouhani said on April 15. In a…

Iran Nuclear Plan: Khamenei, Iran React

The following are excerpted statements by Iranian officials on the nuclear framework that was announced by the world’s six major powers and Iran on April 2. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei“Some people would ask why Leader has not yet taken a position on the recent nuclear statement; I would…

Key Issues in Dispute on Nuke Deal

Conflicting interpretations crystallized over terms in the proposed nuclear deal between Iran and the world’s six major powers within days of the April 2 announcement. Washington and Tehran seem to have differing views on sanctions relief, advanced centrifuges, and international inspections. With…

Congress Acts: Corker Bill on Iran

On April 14, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee unanimously approved a bill that would require Congress to review and then vote on a final nuclear deal with Iran. If the full Senate and House of Representatives approve the “Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015,” President Barack Obama…

US Concerned About Russian Missile Deal

On April 13, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree lifting a ban on the sale of advanced S-300 air defense missile systems to Iran. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that the embargo was no longer necessary given progress in nuclear talks between Iran and the world’s six major…

Obama and Abadi: On Iran Role in Iraq

On April 14, President Obama and Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al Abadi held talks at the White House. During a photo op, Obama answered a question about Iran’s role in Iraq. The following is an excerpt of his remarks. QUESTION: Mr. President, in terms of Iran’s involvement in Iraq -- are you…

Iran Wins in U.S. – at Wrestling

On April 12, Iran’s national wrestling team beat the U.S. squad 5-3 to win the 2015 Freestyle Wrestling World Cup. It was Iran’s sixth time taking the title and its fourth consecutive victory. A congratulatory message was posted on Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s Twitter account soon after…

Obama: Nuclear Deal is the Best Option

On April 11, President Barack Obama emphasized that a nuclear deal, if finalized, is the best way to curb Iran’s nuclear program. He claimed that a majority of technical experts think that the framework announced April 2 could lead to “a realistic, plausible, meaningful approach to cut off the…

Kerry Defends Blueprint for Iran Deal

In three interviews on April 12, Secretary of State John Kerry maintained that his portrayal of the blueprint for a nuclear deal with Iran is correct. “Everything I have laid out is a fact and I’ll stand by them,” he told CBS’ Bob Schieffer. Statements by Iranian leaders, including Supreme Leader…

Iran Condemns Airstrikes on Yemen

Saudi Arabia's airstrike campaign against Houthi positions in Yemen has drawn strong condemnation from Iranian officials. Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif demanded an “immediate halt” to Saudi military actions, which began on March 26. Iran is widely seen as the main backer of the Houthis, a…

New York Times Videos: Life in Iran

The New York Times has released the following series of videos about everyday life inside Iran by Thomas Erdbrink and Roel Van Broekhoven.

Khamenei Comments: Nuclear Plan, Yemen

In a speech on April 9, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said he was “neither for nor against” the nuclear framework announced by Iran and the world’s six major powers on April 2, noting that the details remain to be finalized. He also said that the results of the tallks may determine whether…

New Polls: A Third of Americans Support Nuke Plan

The following are key findings from four recent polls, which were conducted in the days following the announcement of a nuclear framework between Iran and the world's six major powers. In two of the polls, around a third of respondents said they support the framework. Economist/YouGov Poll  A…

Iran Nuclear Plan: Editorial Roundup

The following is a snapshot of editorials from U.S. newspapers and media outlets on the nuclear framework that was announced by the world’s six major powers and Iran on April 2.Supporters  The New York Times   “A Promising Nuclear Deal with Iran”   “The preliminary agreement between Iran and…

Energy Secretary Moniz Briefs on Talks

The following are excerpt remarks from a press briefing at the White House with Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz and Press Secretary Josh Earnest on April 6.   SECRETARY MONIZ: So, first of all, we say that there are four pathways to a bomb in Iran.  One is a plutonium pathway through a research…

Erdogan in Iran to Strengthen Ties

On April 7, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan met Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, President Hassan Rouhani, and other Iranian officials in Tehran. The leaders signed eight agreements focused on improving economic cooperation, and downplayed disagreements between Iran and Turkey over the…

Iran Nuclear Plan: Iranian Media Reacts

The following is a sampling of Iranian media coverage of the nuclear framework that was announced by the world's six major powers and Iran on April 2.Shargh The headline reads "Passing Through the June Crisis: A Comprehensive Agreement," in an apparent reference to the June 30 deadline for a final…

Nuclear Experts on Details of Blueprint

The following are excerpted reactions from nuclear experts to the parameters for a comprehensive nuclear deal announced on April 2 by Iran and the world’s six major powers. Anthony H. Cordesman Arleigh A. Burke Chair in Strategy at the Center for Strategic and International Studies   [T]he…

Obama Backs Nuke Plan in Weekly Address

On April 4, President Barack Obama expressed support for the nuclear framework that was announced by the world’s six major powers and Iran on April 2. “Today we have an historic opportunity to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons in Iran, and to do so peacefully, with the international community…

Iran Nuclear Plan: Iranians Celebrate

In Iran, celebrations broke out in the streets immediately following the announcement of the blueprint for a nuclear deal and continued the following day.Iran's chief nuclear negotiator receives hero's welcome in Tehran— Guardian World (@…

Iran Nuclear Plan: Israel Reacts

The following are excerpted statements by Israeli officials on the nuclear framework that was announced by the world’s six major powers and Iran on April 2. Prime Minister Benjamin NetanyahuPM Netanyahu to Pres Obama: A deal based on this framework would threaten the survival of Israel. #…

Iran Nuclear Plan: Tehran Reacts

The following are excerpted statements by Iranian officials on the nuclear framework that was announced by the world’s six major powers and Iran on April 2. President Hassan RouhaniSolutions on key parameters of Iran #nuclear case reached. Drafting to start immediately, to finish by June 30th. #…

Iran Nuclear Plan: Kerry Statement

The following is an excerpt from Secretary of State John Kerry’s statement on the nuclear talks between Iran and the world’s six major powers. The journey towards a diplomatic solution began years ago.  And I can tell you that I’ve personally been involved for about four years, beginning from the…

Iran Nuclear Plan: Congress Reacts

U.S. lawmakers released the following statements on the outcome of nuclear talks between Iran and the world’s six major powers. Republicans  House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) “The president says negotiators have cleared the basic threshold needed to continue talks, but the parameters for a…

Iran Nuclear Plan: U.S. Officials React

The following are excerpted statements by U.S. officials on the nuclear framework that was announced by the world’s six major powers and Iran on April 2. Deputy Secretary of State Tony Blinken  Question: Iran has not formally signed it. The foreign minister, Javad Zarif, is already…

Iran Nuclear Plan: Obama Statement

On April 2, President Barack Obama delivered the following statement on the outcome of nuclear talks between Iran and the world’s six major powers. Full video: President Obama delivers a statement on #IranTalks:— The White House (@WhiteHouse) April 2, 2015 Good afternoon,…

Iran Nuclear Plan: Zarif, Mogherini Statement

On April 2, E.U. foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini and Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif issued a joint statement announcing that Iran and the world's six major powers - Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia, and the United States - had reached an understanding on key parameters…