U.S. Policy

On January 12, 2024, the United States sanctioned foreign companies in Hong Kong and the United Arab Emirates for shipping goods on behalf of the Houthis, a Yemeni militia supported by the Qods Force, the elite Iranian unit in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps that funds, arms and coordinates…
On Dec. 19, 2023, the United States sanctioned 10 companies and four men based in Iran, Malaysia, Hong Kong, and Indonesia for supporting Iran’s unmanned aerial vehicle program (UAV) program. The network procured components made in the United States and elsewhere worth hundreds of thousands of…
On Nov. 7, 2023, President Biden renewed the national emergency with respect to Iran, which gives the president broad powers to unilaterally impose sanctions or other punitive measures and regulate trade. President Jimmy Carter declared the state of emergency, which must be extended every year, in…
On October 18, the United States sanctioned 10 Hamas operatives and financial facilitators in response to the brutal terrorist attack on Israel. The nine men and one company were based in Gaza and the West Bank as well as Algeria, Qatar, Sudan, and Turkey. A Hamas operative based in Qatar had close…
Hamas, a Palestinian movement armed, trained and funded by Iran, launched a multi-prong military operation on Israel on Oct. 7, 2023. It included rocket attacks on southern and central Israel, balaclava-clad fighters dropping from paragliders, and the murderous slaughter of civilians in their homes…
On September 27, the U.S. Treasury sanctioned five companies and two people based in Iran, China, Hong Kong, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates for supporting Iran’s military drone program. The network facilitated transactions and shipments of parts used in suicide drones, including the Shahed…
On September 15, the United States sanctioned 29 security officials, government contractors, media executives, and news organizations for Iran’s crackdown on protests that erupted after Mahsa Amini’s death in detention in September 2022. The designations, which marked the one-year anniversary of…
On June 9, 2023, the United States warned manufacturing, electronics, and shipping businesses worldwide about the military threats posed by Iran’s drone program. It called on companies to vet their clients and customers to avoid contributing—intentionally or otherwise—parts and technology to Tehran…
On June 6, the United States sanctioned six companies and seven people in Iran, China, and Hong Kong that procured technology and parts for the Islamic Republic’s ballistic missile and military programs. The network was linked to Iran’s Defense Ministry and four affiliated organizations. Three…
On June 1, the United States condemned Iran’s election as rapporteur for the U.N. First Committee—focused on disarmament and international security issues—and as one of 21 U.N. General Assembly vice presidents. A “representative of Iran’s government is unfit to serve in a leadership position…even…