
            Nearly half of Iranians said international sanctions have hurt their personal livelihoods a great deal, according to a new Gallup survey. Another 35 percent said sanctions have somewhat affected their livelihoods. Despite the impact of sanctions, 63 percent of surveyed Iranians said… Read More
Alireza Nader What is Iran's strategy on diplomacy today — now that a fourth round of talks is scheduled in Kazakhstan on February 26?               Iran is still willing to give diplomacy a chance after a seven-month hiatus, as demonstrated by the announcement of new talks. But Tehran wants… Read More
            On February 7, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei rejected an offer by Vice President Joe Biden for direct talks. “Some naïve people like the idea of negotiating with America. However, negotiations will not solve the problem,” he said in a speech to Iranian Air Force commanders… Read More
            On February 6, the U.S. Treasury Department imposed new sanctions on the Central Bank of Iran and other financial institutions to restrict Tehran’s ability to spend oil revenues. The Treasury Department also designated one individual and four entities for involvement in censorship… Read More
Bruce Riedel   The world’s six major powers and Iran are due to hold the fourth round of talks in Kazakhstan on February 26. What has to happen to make these talks a success—even if it just means enough to hold a fifth round?               Iran would need to announce a tangible reversal of its… Read More
Alireza Nader What is Iran's strategy on diplomacy today — now that a fourth round of talks is scheduled in Kazakhstan on February 26?               Iran is still willing to give diplomacy a chance after a seven-month hiatus, as demonstrated by the announcement of new talks. But Tehran wants… Read More
Bruce Riedel   The world’s six major powers and Iran are due to hold the fourth round of talks in Kazakhstan on February 26. What has to happen to make these talks a success—even if it just means enough to hold a fifth round?               Iran would need to announce a tangible reversal of its… Read More
            On January 31, defense secretary nominee Chuck Hagel said the United States should pursue all diplomatic options with Iran, including direct engagement if the “dynamics are right.” But he also told the Senate Armed Services Committee that the “military option must remain on the table.”… Read More
            On February 2, Vice President Joe Biden said the United States is prepared to hold direct talks with Iran to resolve tensions over its controversial nuclear program. Biden said there is still time for diplomacy, either through the current format involving the world’s six major powers or… Read More
Shaul Bakhash             Three major issues will dominate Iran’s presidential election in June: ·    A deteriorating economy due to both chronic mismanagement and tough international sanctions, ·    The nuclear stand-off with the West, the flashpoint undermining Iran’s broader foreign… Read More
            During her last week as secretary of state, Hillary Clinton made several comments on Iran and unfinished U.S. business. The following are excerpts from various farewell interviews and speeches.  Remarks on American Leadership at the Council on Foreign Relations  Jan. 31, 2013  … Read More
            In three major speeches in January, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei focused on the upcoming presidential election, the troubled economy and Muslim unity worldwide.             In a speech on January 19, Khamenei charged that the United States and other world powers are trying to… Read More
Shaul Bakhash             Iran’s reformers transformed revolutionary politics between 1997 and 2005 under former President Mohammed Khatami. But today, the reformists’ ability to contest the presidential elections in any meaningful way appears slim. Conservatives have even taken to labeling them… Read More
Shaul Bakhash             Three major issues will dominate Iran’s presidential election in June: ·    A deteriorating economy due to both chronic mismanagement and tough international sanctions, ·    The nuclear stand-off with the West, the flashpoint undermining Iran’s broader foreign… Read More
Shaul Bakhash             Iran’s reformers transformed revolutionary politics between 1997 and 2005 under former President Mohammed Khatami. But today, the reformists’ ability to contest the presidential elections in any meaningful way appears slim. Conservatives have even taken to labeling them… Read More
Shaul Bakhash             Despite their current political dominance, Iran’s conservatives appear inordinately fearful of challenges looming in the June presidential election. Perhaps the most surprising is their concern that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad may field a member of his inner circle… Read More
Shaul Bakhash             Despite their current political dominance, Iran’s conservatives appear inordinately fearful of challenges looming in the June presidential election. Perhaps the most surprising is their concern that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad may field a member of his inner circle… Read More
Shaul Bakhash             Iran’s presidential elections, slated for mid-June, will take place against a background of domestic uncertainty. The economy has been battered by sanctions from abroad and mismanagement at home. Oil sales and foreign exchange earnings have plummeted, while inflation… Read More
Shaul Bakhash             Iran’s presidential elections, slated for mid-June, will take place against a background of domestic uncertainty. The economy has been battered by sanctions from abroad and mismanagement at home. Oil sales and foreign exchange earnings have plummeted, while inflation… Read More
            On January 24, Senator John Kerry pledged to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons if confirmed as the new Secretary of State. But if Tehran's program is peaceful, it can allow inspections and prove it, Kerry told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He also said that the Obama… Read More
            Iran and the U.N. nuclear watchdog failed to strike a deal after two days of negotiations from January 16-17. The U.N. demand to access the Parchin military complex near Tehran has been a divisive issue in previous talks. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) suspects Iran… Read More
            Iranian and U.N. officials failed to produce an agreement after intensive talks in Tehran from January 16-17. Iran has sent mixed messages on negotiations with the International Atomic Energy (IAEA). Ambassador to the IAEA Ali Asghar Soltanieh claimed the two sides bridged some gaps… Read More
Alireza Nader             As commander of the Revolutionary Guards, General Mohammad Ali Jafari is one of the dozen most powerful men in Iran. He is a hard-line ideologue loyal to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. He rose to power through a combination of ideological commitment and military… Read More
Alireza Nader             As commander of the Revolutionary Guards, General Mohammad Ali Jafari is one of the dozen most powerful men in Iran. He is a hard-line ideologue loyal to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. He rose to power through a combination of ideological commitment and military… Read More
Omar Samad Has Iran's influence in Afghanistan changed since the U.S. troop surge in 2010? What steps has it taken in anticipation of the U.S. withdrawal planned for 2014?             The Islamic Republic considers the U.S. presence in Afghanistan a major security concern along its 600-mile… Read More
Omar Samad Has Iran's influence in Afghanistan changed since the U.S. troop surge in 2010? What steps has it taken in anticipation of the U.S. withdrawal planned for 2014?             The Islamic Republic considers the U.S. presence in Afghanistan a major security concern along its 600-mile… Read More
            On January 16, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told Parliament that Iran needs to cut reliance on petrodollars “once and for all.” Iran’s oil revenues have dropped 45 percent in the last nine months, according to parliament’s budget committee chief. Ahmadinejad also admitted that… Read More
            On January 7, seven former Iranian parliamentarians called for direct talks between Washington and Tehran on the nuclear issue. They urged Iran to stop enriching uranium to twenty percent in return for a lift on international sanctions. The former parliamentarians also suggested that… Read More
             Among 197 countries, Iran ranked sixth in restricting freedom of religion, according to a Pew Research Center survey. It even ranked below Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan. The following are selected results from The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life survey published in September 2012… Read More
           Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security has recently expanded its operations in the Middle East and beyond, most notably in Latin America and Europe, according to a new report by the Library of Congress. A profile of the ministry, which is shrouded in secrecy, claims that hard-… Read More