
On December 29, 2014, Iran held a funeral for Brig. Gen. Hamid Taqavi, a senior Revolutionary Guards commander who was killed in the Iraqi town of Samarra, home to a Shiite shrine. The Revolutionary Guards did not detail the scope of Taqavi's role in Iraq. But he was reportedly the highest-ranking… Read More
On January 6, Iran’s parliament called a snap vote over Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif’s handling of nuclear talks with the world’s six major powers. Conservative lawmakers had accused the minister of making too many concessions in the most recent round of diplomacy in December.But Zarif hit… Read More
On January 4, President Hassan Rouhani began preparing the public for a compromise on Iran’s controversial nuclear program. The country's ideals “are not linked to centrifuges but to our heart and determination,” he said in remarks to a conference of 1,500 economists in Tehran. He emphasized the… Read More
On Dec. 18, 2014, President Barack Obama discussed U.S. engagement with Iran in an interview with NPR News. He said that Iran has “a chance to get right with the world” by reaching a nuclear deal. Iran and the world's six major powers - the United States, Britain, France, Russia, China, and Germany… Read More
           On December 30, the U.S. Department of the Treasury targeted nine individuals and entities for helping the Iranian government evade sanctions and for human rights abuses related to censorship. The Treasury also updated information related to 30 ships blocked for their affiliation with… Read More
            It was a year of political paradoxes for President Hassan Rouhani. He faced challenges from the other two branches of government—the judiciary and parliament—as well as limits on his powers by the virtually omnipotent Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.       Throughout the year,… Read More
Cameron Glenn             Tehran reached out to the world in 2014. But President Hassan Rouhani’s attempts to improve relations stalled, as hardliners in parliament pushed back.             The world initially responded. Western diplomats and businessmen flocked to Iran, hopeful that Rouhani’s… Read More
Garrett Nada            President Hassan Rouhani made significant headway in stabilizing Iran’s economy in 2014. During his first full calendar year in office, he began addressing mismanagement and corruption from President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s tenure. His policies brought inflation down from 39… Read More
            From December 9 to 10, Iran's Institute for Political and International Studies hosted a conference on countering violence and extremism in Tehran. The gathering was inspired by President Hassan Rouhani’s 2013 address to the United Nations, in which he proposed the “world against… Read More
             Several U.S. lawmakers called for new sanctions on Iran following the decision to extend nuclear talks with the world's six major powers another seven months. But Obama administration officials have warned that new sanctions could derail the talks. A negotiated deal “is the best way to… Read More
             On December 7, Secretary of State John Kerry called for the release of Washington Post journalist Jason Rezaian, a dual U.S.-Iranian citizen who has been detained in Iran since late July. Earlier in the day, Rezaian was formally charged in a 10-hour court session but was not told what… Read More
             In a recent address to Muslim scholars, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei claimed that The Islamic State, commonly known as ISIS or ISIL, is the product of the U.S., U.K. and Israeli intelligence services. ISIS is the latest takfiri (referring to Muslims who accuse other Muslims of… Read More
             On December 4, Freedom House released its fifth annual "Freedom on the Net" report, a comprehensive study of internet freedom in 65 countries. The following are key developments surrounding Iran's internet freedom between May 2013 and May 2014.Study finds #Iran has least amount of #… Read More
             On December 3, a car bomb exploded near the home of Iran’s ambassador to Yemen in the capital Sanaa. Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula claimed responsibility for the attack, which reportedly killed a Yemeni civilian and two soldiers and wounded 17 others. Iran’s ambassador, Hassan… Read More
            In late November, Iran reportedly bombed Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, targets in Diyala, Iraq. Tehran used American-made F4 Phantom jets, likely sold to Iran before the 1979 revolution, according to analysis of video by Jane's Defense Weekly. Since ISIS began seizing… Read More
            Several U.S. lawmakers have called for imposing new sanctions on Iran following the news of the seven-month extension of nuclear talks. Iran and the so-called P5+1 countries —Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and the United States— extended the talks for a second time after… Read More
            The U.S. Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control has released a series of documents on the extension of nuclear talks between Iran and the world’s six major powers. On November 24, the two sides agreed to continue to implement the Joint Plan of Action (JPOA). As part of… Read More
            The Middle East Program at the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars asked more than thirty experts from the Middle East, Europe, and the United States for their take on what comes next for nuclear talks between Iran and the world’s six major powers. Contributors to this… Read More
            Hardliners in Iran's parliament and media criticized ongoing nuclear talks with the world's six major powers, following the announcement that negotiations will be extended for seven months. Iran and the so-called P5+1 countries —Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and the United… Read More
             After a week of intensive discussions, the world’s six major powers and Iran agreed to extend talks for seven months. The new goal is to reach a political agreement within four months and a final deal by June 30 that would curb Tehran's controversial nuclear program in exchange for… Read More
            On November 24, Iran and the world's six major powers - Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia, and the United States - agreed to extend discussions on Iran's nuclear program by seven months. Leaders on both sides commended each other's efforts to close gaps on key issues. They were… Read More
            U.S. lawmakers issued wide-ranging reactions to news of the seven-month extension of nuclear talks with Iran. Several Republicans called for imposing additional sanctions on Iran and requiring Congressional approval of a final deal, but most stopped short of rejecting the extension… Read More
            On November 24, President Hassan Rouhani assured Iranians that diplomacy “will lead to a deal, sooner or later” following the decision by Iran and the world's six major powers to extend talks by seven months. In a televised speech, Rouhani also reaffirmed Iran’s right to a peaceful… Read More
            Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and E.U. foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton issued a joint statement on November 24 explaining the decision to extend negotiations over Iran's nuclear program by seven months. The extension, according to Ashton and Zarif, will allow… Read More
             On November 24, the world’s six major powers and Iran missed the deadline for brokering a deal that would curb Tehran’s controversial nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief. After a week of intensive discussion, the two sides agreed to a seven-month extension of talks. “We… Read More
            A successful nuclear deal between Iran and the world's six major powers would allow Rouhani and other centrists to increase their influence in Iran’s political system, according to a new research paper by Hossein Bastani in the Middle East and North Africa Program at Chatham House. But… Read More
            Iran and the world’s six major powers have only a few days to reach a deal that will ensure Tehran’s controversial nuclear program will be exclusively peaceful. Both sides are now intensifying their efforts to meet the November 24 deadline for an agreement. Leaders on both sides have… Read More
             On November 20, Secretary of State John Kerry said that although Iran and the world’s six major powers have discussed in detail all the critical issues related to a nuclear deal, “nothing is agreed until everything is agreed.” When asked about the possibility of extending the talks, he… Read More
            Iran's government is pursuing measures to increase its control over Internet access, according to a new report from the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran. Authorities are developing a “National Internet” infrastructure that would allow state agencies to control and access… Read More
             The rise of the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, and the rebellion against the Syrian government has called Tehran’s close relationship between Baghdad and Damascus into question, according to a new paper by Jubin Goodarzi. The following is an excerpt from “Iran and the… Read More