Sinwar’s Death: World Reaction

Israeli forces killed Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar in Gaza on Oct. 16, 2024. Israel had eliminated several senior Hamas commanders in targeted strikes in the previous year, but the mastermind of the October 7 assault evaded detection and reportedly hid in underground tunnels. Sinwar died with two other fighters in a chance firefight with Israeli soldiers who were on a routine patrol in the Tal al Sultan area of Rafah. Israeli forces only identified the body a day later.

Yahya Sinwar
Yahya Sinwar, the late leader of Hamas

“While this is not the end of the war in Gaza, it's the beginning of the end,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on October 18. Addressing the people of Gaza, he said that the war could end if Hamas lays down its arms and returns the hostages. He also guaranteed the safety of anyone who returns Israeli hostages. “I also have a message of hope to the peoples of the region: The axis of terror that was built by Iran is collapsing before our eyes.”

U.S. and European officials welcomed the news. “This is a good day for Israel, for the United States, and for the world,” President Joe Biden said on October 17. “As the leader of the terrorist group Hamas, Sinwar was responsible for the deaths of thousands of Israelis, Palestinians, Americans, and citizens from over 30 countries.” Biden expressed hope that Sinwar’s death would clear the way for a political settlement to end the war.

British Prime Minister Keir Starmer echoed Biden. “No-one should mourn the death of Hamas leader Sinwar,” he said. “What is needed now is a ceasefire, the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages, immediate access to humanitarian aid, and a return to the path towards the two-state solution, as the only way to deliver long-term peace and security.”

Hamas, however, was defiant. “The criminal enemy is delusional if he thinks that by assassinating the great leaders of the resistance… he can extinguish the flame of the resistance or force it to retreat,” the Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, said in a statement. Sinwar’s death followed the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in August and Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah in September.  

Iran, which has funded, trained, and armed Hamas for decades, acknowledged that the loss of Sinwar was painful. But officials claimed that Israel was failing to deter the so-called “Axis of Resistance” – the network of militias backed by Tehran. “The Zionists thought they could easily destroy the Resistance groups, but today, the Resistance front and the young fighters in Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, and other Resistance groups are fighting with the same spirit and strength,” Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on October 23.

Iran’s allies across the Middle East praised Sinwar for his decades-long fight against Israel. “He stood steadfast in the face of the American agenda and the Zionist occupation, giving his blood for the cause until he achieved martyrdom and reached the highest ranks of honor and human perfection,” Hezbollah said in a statement on October 17.

Heavy losses incurred by both Hamas and Hezbollah since October 2023 have called Iran’s longstanding “forward defense” doctrine into question. For decades, the Islamic Republic has relied on its militia allies across the region to pressure Israel and deter strikes on Iranian soil. Hezbollah on Israel’s northern border with Lebanon and Hamas on Israel’s southern border in Gaza were key components of that strategy.  

Sinwar was born in 1962 in a refugee camp in Khan Yunis, Gaza. Sinwar joined Hamas when it was established in 1987 and co-founded its internal security service in 1988. Israel sentenced Sinwar to four life terms in prison for orchestrating the abduction and murder of two Israeli soldiers and four suspected Palestinian “collaborators” in 1988. Israeli officials dubbed him “the butcher of Khan Yunis” because of his brutality against other Palestinians. Sinwar served 22 years. In 2011, Israel released him and 1,026 other Palestinians in exchange for Gilad Shalit, a soldier abducted by Hamas in 2006. The United States put Sinwar on the “Specially Designated Global Terrorist” list in 2015. The Hamas Shura Council elected him to head the political bureau in Gaza in 2017. Sinwar became the leader of Hamas in August 2024 after Israel assassinated Ismail Haniyeh while he was visiting Tehran for the inauguration of Iran’s new president. The following are international reactions to Sinwar’s death.



Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Oct. 18, 2024: “One year ago, Yahya Sinwar, the terrorist chief of Hamas, launched the October 7th massacre against Israel. It was the bloodiest attack on the Jewish people since the Holocaust. It was the worst attack on the Jewish state since the founding of Israel.

“Sinwar’s terrorists murdered in cold blood 1,200 people. That's elderly people, Holocaust survivors, children. They brutally raped women. They beheaded men. They burned babies alive. And they took 251 women, men and children hostage to the dungeons of Gaza.

“Today, the mastermind of this day of sheer evil is no more. Yahya Sinwar is dead. He was killed in Rafah by the brave soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces.

“While this is not the end of the war in Gaza, it's the beginning of the end. To the people of Gaza, I have a simple message: This war can end tomorrow. It can end if Hamas lays down its arms and returns our hostages. Hamas is holding 101 hostages in Gaza, who are citizens of 23 countries; citizens of Israel, but citizens of many other countries. Israel is committed to doing everything in our power to bring all of them home. And Israel will guarantee the safety of all those who return our hostages. But to those who would harm our hostages, I have another message: Israel will hunt you down and bring you to justice.

“I also have a message of hope to the peoples of the region: The axis of terror that was built by Iran is collapsing before our eyes. Nasrallah is gone. His deputy Mohsen is gone. Haniyeh is gone. Deif is gone. Sinwar is gone.

“The reign of terror that the Iranian regime has imposed on its own people and on the peoples of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen – this too will come to an end.

All those who seek a future of prosperity and peace in the Middle East should unite to build a better future. Together, we can push back the forces of darkness and create a future of light and hope for all of us.”


IDF Spokesperson RAdm. Daniel Hagari


Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz 

Oct. 17, 2024: “Terrorist mastermind Yahya Sinwar, responsible for the massacre and atrocities of October 7th, was eliminated today by IDF soldiers.  

"This is a great military and moral achievement for Israel and a victory for the entire free world against the axis of radical Islam led by Iran.” 

Sinwar's death "creates an opportunity for the immediate release of the hostages and a potential change that could lead to a new reality in Gaza—without Hamas and without Iranian control. 

"Israel now needs your support and assistance more than ever to advance these crucial goals together.” 



Qassam Brigades

Oct. 17, 2024: “The criminal enemy is delusional if he thinks that by assassinating the great leaders of the resistance such as Sinwar, Haniyeh, Nasrallah, al-Arouri and others, he can extinguish the flame of the resistance or force it to retreat. Rather, it will continue and escalate until the legitimate goals of our people are achieved,

Political Bureau member and leader in Gaza Khalil al Hayya 

Oct. 17, 2024: “We mourn the great national leader, the martyred mujahid brother Yahya Sinwar… who ascended as a heroic martyr, advancing and not retreating, brandishing his weapon, engaging and confronting the occupation army at the forefront of the ranks, moving between all the combat positions-- steadfast, fixed and firm on the land of honorable Gaza, defending the land of Palestine and its holy sites, and inspiring in kindling the spirit of steadfastness, patience…and resistance.

“Hamas and our resistance will only become stronger, more steadfast and more determined to continue on their path and to be loyal to their blood and sacrifices. A movement that offers its leaders and sons as martyrs on the path of defending the rights of its people is a proud and authentic movement, rooted in its people: our Palestinian people, our Arab and Islamic nation, the free people of the world. We say to those who mourn the prisoners of the occupation held by the resistance that these prisoners will not return until the aggression on Gaza stops, the withdrawal from it, and our heroic prisoners are released from the occupation prisons.”



Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei 

Oct. 23, 2024: “The front of Resistance is standing firmly before that front of evil. With God’s grace, the front of Resistance will be the victors. 

“If there were no people like Martyr Sinwar who would fight until the last moment, or if there were no great people like Martyr Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah who combined Jihad, wisdom, courage and sacrifice to bring them to the field, the fate of the region would have been determined in a different way. 

“The Zionists thought they could easily destroy the Resistance groups, but today, the Resistance front and the young fighters in Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah and other Resistance groups are fighting with the same spirit and strength, which is a big defeat for the Zionist regime, despite murdering more than 50,000 defenseless civilians and several prominent Resistance leaders, and also in spite of the huge amount of money and support from the US, which sparked global hatred against them, in a way that even in US universities there have been marches against the criminals.” 

The inaction of Western politicians following the attacks on Gaza “showed the disgrace of Western civilization to the whole world, which is the biggest defeat for them.” 

“Against this front of evil stands the front of Resistance, and by the grace of God, victory belongs to Resistance front.” 

President Masoud Pezeshkian 

Oct. 18, 2024: “The news of the assassination and martyrdom of the steadfast fighter, Yahya Sinwar, Head of the Hamas Political Bureau, is both painful and heartbreaking for freedom lovers around the world, especially the brave people of Palestine.  

“However, it also clearly highlights the ongoing atrocities of the occupying and child-killing Zionist regime. 

“The struggle against aggression and the fight to restore freedom and liberation to the rightful owners of the occupied lands is a great movement and a noble cause. 

“It will not be stopped by the assassination or elimination of heroes in this battle.” 

Foreign Minister Seyed Abbas Araghchi

Oct. 18, 2024: “Yahya Sinwar did not fear death but sought martyrdom in Gaza. He bravely fought to the very end on the battlefield. His fate - beautifully pictured in his last image - is not a deterrent but a source of inspiration for resistance fighters across the region, Palestinian and non-Palestinian. We, and countless others around the world, salute his selfless struggle for liberation of the Palestinian people. Martyrs live forever, and the cause for liberation of Palestine from occupation is more alive than ever.”



Oct. 17, 2024: “We offer our deepest condolences to our brothers in the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas, to our Arab and Islamic nation, and to every fighter, resister, and free person in the world on the martyrdom of the leader of Operation Aqsa Typhoon and the head of the Hamas political bureau, the Mujahid brother Yahya Sinwar.” 

Sinwar took on the “the responsibility and leadership mantle from the martyred commander Ismail Haniyeh, continued the journey of resistance, sacrifice, and giving alongside heroic fighters and brave resisters. 

“He stood steadfast in the face of the American agenda and the Zionist occupation, giving his blood for the cause until he achieved martyrdom and reached the highest ranks of honor and human perfection.” 



Oct. 17, 2024: “My sincere condolences and great blessings to the Hamas movement and the dear Palestinian people for the great leader Yahya Sinwar receiving the medal of martyrdom. 

“Gaza and the Palestinian cause are destined for victory, no matter how great the sacrifices.” 


Other Palestinians

Palestinian Islamic Jihad

Oct. 17, 2024: “Today we mourn a great and distinguished leader of our Palestinian people, who spent his life struggling, advancing the ranks and fighting for the sake of Allah, he did not hesitate, did not weaken, and did not leave his weapon, so his martyrdom was a turning point in the history of the Palestinian-Palestinian struggle. 

“The Palestinian people and the resistance will remain faithful to the line of resistance, and loyal to the spirit of the great leader Yahya Sinwar, the icon of jihad and resistance, and they will carry his banner and his spirit, and they will be proud of him as a leader and fighter until martyrdom, and they will continue as fighters on the path to Jerusalem.” 

Palestine Liberation Organization

Oct. 18, 2024: "The Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) expresses its condolences to the Palestinian people and all national factions on the martyrdom of the great national leader Yahya Sinwar, head of the political bureau of Hamas. 

The PLO calls for "full reclaiming of our rights, including the right of return, the end of the occupation, and the establishment of our Palestinian state on all our occupied territories based on the 1967 borders, with Jerusalem as its eternal capital.” 


Oct. 17, 2024: Israel's “killing and terrorism will not succeed in breaking the will of our people to achieve their legitimate national rights to freedom and independence”.

Fatah Central Committee member Abbas Zaki

Oct. 18, 2024: Sinwar died with "honorable heroism.” “He was not hiding underground or behind the confrontation lines, but rather he was carrying his weapon and his quiver and fighting like any resistance fighter in the field.” 


United States

President Joe Biden 

October 17, 2024: “Early this morning, Israeli authorities informed my national security team that a mission they conducted in Gaza likely killed Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar.  DNA tests have now confirmed that Sinwar is dead.  This is a good day for Israel, for the United States, and for the world.  

“As the leader of the terrorist group Hamas, Sinwar was responsible for the deaths of thousands of Israelis, Palestinians, Americans, and citizens from over 30 countries.  He was the mastermind of the October 7th massacres, rapes, and kidnappings.  It was on his orders that Hamas terrorists invaded Israel to intentionally – and with unspeakable savagery – kill and massacre civilians, a Holocaust survivor, children in front of their parents, and parents in front of their children.  

“Over 1,200 people were killed on that day, the deadliest day for Jews since the Holocaust, including 46 Americans.  More than 250 were taken hostage, with 101 still missing. That number includes seven Americans, four of whom are believed to still be alive and held by Hamas terrorists.  Sinwar is the man most responsible for this, and for so much of what followed.   

“Shortly after the October 7 massacres, I directed Special Operations personnel and our intelligence professionals to work side-by-side with their Israeli counterparts to help locate and track Sinwar and other Hamas leaders hiding in Gaza.  

“With our intelligence help, the IDF relentlessly pursued Hamas’s leaders, flushing them out of their hiding places and forcing them onto the run.  There has rarely been a military campaign like this, with Hamas leaders living and moving through hundreds of miles of tunnels, organized in multiple stories underground, determined to protect themselves with no care for the civilians suffering above ground.  Today, however, proves once again that no terrorists anywhere in the world can escape justice, no matter how long it takes. 

“To my Israeli friends, this is no doubt a day of relief and reminiscence, similar to the scenes witnessed throughout the United States after President Obama ordered the raid to kill Osama Bin Laden in 2011. 

“Israel has had every right to eliminate the leadership and military structure of Hamas. Hamas is no longer capable of carrying out another October 7. 

“I will be speaking soon with Prime Minister Netanyahu and other Israeli leaders to congratulate them, to discuss the pathway for bringing the hostages home to their families, and for ending this war once and for all, which has caused so much devastation to innocent people.   

“There is now the opportunity for a “day after” in Gaza without Hamas in power, and for a political settlement that provides a better future for Israelis and Palestinians alike.  Yahya Sinwar was an insurmountable obstacle to achieving all of those goals. That obstacle no longer exists. But much work remains before us.” 

Secretary of State Antony Blinken 

Oct. 17, 2024: “Yahya Sinwar was a vicious and unrepentant terrorist responsible for the largest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. At his direction, Hamas terrorists murdered Israelis, Americans, and citizens of more than 30 countries. They kidnapped and held hostage infants, elderly, and other civilians. His decision to launch the October 7th terror attacks unleashed catastrophic consequences for the people of Gaza, who have now endured the horrors of more than a year of war. The world is a better place with him gone. 

“We remember today the victims of Sinwar’s unspeakable crimes and hope that his death brings them some measure of justice. The United States stands with Israel in holding accountable those responsible for October 7 and ensuring such an attack can never be repeated. 

“On multiple occasions over the past months, Sinwar rebuffed efforts by the United States and its partners to bring this war to a close through an agreement that would return the hostages to their families and alleviate the suffering of the Palestinian people. In the days ahead, the United States will redouble its efforts with partners to end this conflict, secure the release all hostages, and chart a new path forward that will enable the people of Gaza to rebuild their lives and realize their aspirations free from war and free from the brutal grip of Hamas.”

Vice President Kamala Harris 

Oct. 17, 2024: “Today, Israel confirmed that Yahya Sinwar, the leader of Hamas, is dead and justice has been served, and the United States, Israel, and the entire world are better off as a result. 

“Sinwar was responsible for the killing of thousands of innocent people, including the victims of October 7 and hostages killed in Gaza.  He had American blood on his hands. 

“Today, I can only hope that the families of the victims of Hamas feel a sense and measure of relief. Sinwar was the mastermind of October 7, the deadliest day for the Jewish people since the Holocaust — a terrorist attack that killed 1,200 innocent people and included horrific sexual violence and more than 250 hostages taken into Gaza, including 7 Americans, living and deceased, who remain in captivity; a terrorist attack that triggered a devastating war in Gaza — a war that has led to unconscionable suffering of many innocent Palestinians and greater instability throughout the Middle East. 
“In the past year, American special operations and intelligence personnel have worked closely with their Israeli counterparts to locate and track Sinwar and other Hamas leaders, and I commend their work. 
“And I will say to any terrorist who kills Americans, threatens the American people, or threatens our troops or our interests, know this: We will always bring you to justice. 
“Israel has a right to defend itself, and the threat Hamas poses to Israel must be eliminated. Today, there is clear progress toward that goal.  Hamas is decimated, and its leadership is eliminated. 
“This moment gives us an opportunity to finally end the war in Gaza, and it must end such that Israel is secure, the hostages are released, the suffering in Gaza ends, and the Palestinian people can realize their right to dignity, security, freedom, and self-determination.  And it is time for the day after to begin without Hamas in power. We will not give up on these goals, and I will always work to create a future of peace, dignity, and security for all.” 

State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller 

Oct. 17, 2024: “Yahya Sinwar, the leader of Hamas who was killed in an Israeli military operation in Gaza yesterday, was a brutal, vicious terrorist responsible for the death of American citizens, Israelis, and civilians from more than 30 countries across the world. 

“His decision – and it was very much his decision – to launch the terrorist attacks of October 7th unleashed a year of tragedy in the Middle East: 1,200 people murdered on October 7th, 254 hostages kidnapped and hauled into Gaza – including children, infants, elderly, and men and women of all ages – more than 40,000 people dead in Gaza, many of them civilians. 

“That is the blood-soaked legacy that Yahya Sinwar leaves behind. He didn’t just launch this conflict, but for the past year has refused the efforts of the United States and our partners to end it; refused to return home the hostages who have been separated from their families for more than a year; refused to agree to a ceasefire proposal endorsed by the United Nations Security Council and countries around the world; and who in recent weeks refused to even negotiate at all on a ceasefire and an end to the war. 

“There are 101 hostages who remain in Gaza, including seven Americans. And of course, there are 2 million Palestinians who continue to suffer the consequences of Sinwar’s decision to endanger their lives. 

“The path that Sinwar wanted for the region – death, destruction, instability, chaos – is a path that we know the people of the region reject. The horrors of the past year cannot be the future, and they do not need to be the future. It is time to chart a different path. 

“So, over the days ahead, the United States will redouble our efforts to return the hostages home, to bring an end to this war, to alleviate the suffering of the Palestinian people, and to allow the people of Gaza to begin to rebuild their lives.” 

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin 

Oct. 17, 2024: “The killing today of Yahya Sinwar, the leader of the terrorist group Hamas, by Israeli forces is a major achievement in counterterrorism. Sinwar's death will not heal the wounds of the October 7th atrocities that he plotted, or the many deaths for which he is responsible, but I hope that it may bring some small measure of justice and solace to the families and the loved ones of the many victims of Sinwar's premeditated cruelty. 

“Sinwar was the architect of the vile terrorist assault on Israel on October 7, 2023, in which 1,200 Israelis were murdered and 251 people were taken hostage. Hamas terrorists slaughtered civilians from more than 30 countries—including the United States. Sinwar and Hamas were responsible for the deaths of many Americans over the years, including the more than 40 Americans slain on October 7th and the murdered American hostages Itay Chen, Gad Haggai, Judy Weinstein Haggai, and Hersh Goldberg Polin. 

“The death of Sinwar affords us all a major opportunity for progress toward the brighter future that both Israelis and Palestinians and the entire region deserve—and that Sinwar deliberately blocked.   

“Our top and most urgent priority is to secure the release of each and every hostage, including our own American citizens. The hostages should not have to suffer for another hour in the clutches of Hamas and other terrorists. Those who are holding them should release them now. 

“Sinwar's death also provides an extraordinary opportunity to achieve a lasting ceasefire, end this terrible war, allow Israelis to return safely to their homes in southern Israel, rush in far more humanitarian assistance to ease the misery in Gaza, and bring relief and hope to the Palestinians who have endured so much under Hamas's oppressive rule.

“The United States fully supports Israel's right to defend itself against Hamas and other terrorist groups. At President Biden's direction, our forces in the Middle East stand ready to defend Israel, deter aggression, and reduce the risk of all-out war in the region. We will continue to work tirelessly to bring the hostages home to their families, to promote diplomacy as the principal mechanism for ending the conflicts in both Gaza and Lebanon, and to secure a more hopeful, secure, and peaceful period in a region that has known such sorrow.” 

Pentagon Press Secretary Major General Pat Ryder 

Oct. 17, 2024: “First, as you are aware, Israel confirmed today, the death of the leader of the Hamas terrorist group, Yahya Sinwar. We'd refer you to the Israelis to discuss the details, but this is clearly a significant development and a major counterterrorism achievement. 

“As you saw from our readout earlier today, Secretary Austin spoke earlier today with Israeli Minister of Defense Gallant to discuss the reports on the killing of Sinwar and to get an update. I would highlight that when the call occurred, the IDF was still working to confirm Sinwar's death. During the call, Secretary Austin also reaffirmed US support for Israel's right to defend itself and reiterated that the deployment of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense Battery represents the United States' unwavering, enduring and ironclad commitment to Israel's security. 

“The Secretary also expressed strong support for the immediate release of all remaining hostages and a ceasefire in Gaza. We'll have much more to say from the department on the death of Sinwar very soon and we'll keep you updated.” 


European Union

 E.U. High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy Josep Borrell 


United Kingdom 

Prime Minister Keir Starmer 

Oct. 17, 2024: “No one should mourn the death of Hamas leader Sinwar. On his hands is the blood of innocent Israelis killed on the 7th of October and over years of terror. And also the blood of the Palestinian people who suffered in the chaos and violence that he sought and celebrated.” 

“We continue to protect Israel’s right to self-defense, particularly in the face of the attacks by the Iranian regime. Allies will keep working together to de-escalate across the region because we know there is no military only solution here, the answer is diplomacy. 

“And now we must make the most of this moment. What is needed now is a ceasefire in Gaza, the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages, immediate access for humanitarian aid and a return to the path toward the two state solution as the only way to deliver long term peace and security.” 



President Emmanuel Macron 

Oct. 17, 2024: “Yahya Sinwar was the main person responsible for the terrorist attacks and barbaric acts of October 7th. Today, I think with emotion of the victims, including 48 of our compatriots, and their loved ones. France demands the release of all hostages still held by Hamas.” 



Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock 

Oct. 17, 2024: “Sinwar was a brutal murderer and terrorist who wanted to annihilate Israel and its people. As the mastermind behind the 7 October terrorist attack, he brought death to thousands of people and immeasurable suffering to an entire region. Hamas must now release all hostages immediately and lay down its weapons. The suffering of the people in Gaza must finally end.” 



Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning 

Oct. 18, 2024: “China has, as always, supported Palestine’s internal reconciliation and believes this is an important step based on the two-State solution toward solving the Palestinian question and realizing peace and stability in the Middle East. No matter how the situation evolves, it’s all the more necessary for Palestinian factions to strengthen solidarity and the international community to provide firm support. China stands ready to work with all parties to continue working relentlessly to this end. 

“China believes that the pressing priority is to fully and effectively implement relevant UN Security Council resolution, immediately reach a ceasefire in Gaza, earnestly protect civilians, ensure the humanitarian aid and avoid further escalating the conflict and confrontation.” 



Kremlin Spokesperson Dmitry Peskov 

Oct. 18, 2024: "The main thing for us is the consequences for the peaceful population that we see… we have serious concerns about this. 

“The humanitarian disaster that is observed in both Gaza and Lebanon is the subject of our serious concern.” 



President Recip Tayyip Erdogan 

Oct. 19, 2024: “I pray to God to have mercy on Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, who was martyred recently. Today I once again salute with respect all the leaders and members of the Palestinian resistance, who became legendary not only with  their exemplary struggle but also with their martyrdom, and all the heroes who watered the lands of Gaza with their blessed blood.” 


United Nations 

Farhan Haq, Deputy Spokesperson for the U.N. Secretary General  

Oct. 17, 2024: “We don’t have any particular comment because we have no way of confirming these reports at this point.  Obviously, we're monitoring what the relevant information is.  From our standpoint, if there are any developments that can help bring about any ceasefire and indeed any improved humanitarian access to Gaza, we want to see those happening; and we're working on those independently of this latest information. 

“We have wanted the fighting to be halted.  We have wanted civilians to be protected.  We have, as I just mentioned, wanted the release of all of the hostages.  And we've wanted improved humanitarian access through Gaza at a time when, as I said at the start, the risk of tremendous malnutrition and of famine are once again alarming.  So we continue to want that.  Our officials on the ground are continuing to push for that.  And any development that can help push us along that way would be welcome.” 


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